Salut là! It is me, Violet. Yes, I am finally back!

As a breeze blew my hair, I turned against it and shivered. I remembered I had forgotten to grab a jacket on the way out, Mama would have reminded me. I hated United States winters, they where cold, ruthless, and bothersome. All the people cared about is if the roads would be clear enough to go to the mall. Not in Canada, or at least in my town. The whole town came outside to sled and build snowmen, make snow angels, and not have a care in world if the streets would be clear enough.
I picked up a small bit of snow and threw it into the wind. It wasn't the same.
I kept walking and stopped near a tree. I realized that I was now pretty much freezing, and walked my way back to my dorm. I was sad and home sick, when it was supposed to be a fun and exciting snow adventure.
I had never been home sick before, I had left Canada because I was SICK of cold winters, snowing all the time, and the kids at school. My parents enrolled me in the specialty school I now go to, kind of like a college for Junior High to High schoolers. I was certain this would be the last holiday in America - At least for a year.
~Violet E.